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Why You Should and Should Not Go to Audio Production Schools

There are plenty of reasons to want to go to audio production schools, but at the same time there are enough reasons to not want to go to justify skipping one as well. Learning about both the reasons for and against one of these schools is important if you are serious about production. Take your time to learn what the schools have to offer so you can make a good decision in the end.

If you are able to impress some of the trainers who are helping you out at production school you will often be able to build useful connections that may land you in good jobs later on in life. These connections are going to help you and school may be one of the best ways to get them.

Another benefit is that you will learn the various techniques that allow you to produce music well. You will often get to use modern techniques on machines that you wouldn't be able to afford for yourself. The practice time in school could be all that you need to become an effective producer.

When you are finished with the school you will get a piece of paper stating that you made it. This could be a diploma, it could be a certificate. Either way you could use it to get a job in the future.

Unfortunately many times companies either don't like to see the diplomas from these schools or they refuse to acknowledge them at all. You need to pick your school carefully or you could wind up with a certificate that is useless to you in the end.

When you go through one of these schools you are going to have to spend a decent amount of money and going to the school doesn't always pay off either. That means you will be paying back the money for the school long after you are finished with it and in some instances your job isn't even going to be improved by it.

Another reason to really be careful when choosing a school is because some won't have the tools or technology to let you practice on equipment that a real production studio would have. They could have outdated systems, or they could just teach you theories and techniques without allowing you to practice them. You need ample practice time or you will not be successful. 

After you have learned about the benefits of audio production schools and the downsides to using them you can decide if you want to or not. Don't be pressured by other people just because they think you should act one way, and make sure the decision makes sense to you before it makes sense to anyone else. After all you are the one who has to live with it. 

To learn more about audio engineering schools, visit Conservatory of Recording Arts & Sciences.